Housing prices in Berlin and Germany
Prices for hotels and apartments for travelers
Here are the estimated hotel prices:
- Hostel in the donwtown 12,5 USD = 12 EUR
- 2-3 star hotel type Ibis 41,7 - 62,5 USD = 40 - 60 EUR
- 4 star hotel type Mercure or Novotel 83,3 - 135,4 USD = 80 - 130 EUR
- Rent a small apartment 50m2 in the center 41,7 - 62,5 USD = 40 - 60 EUR per day
You can view prices, book accommodations and read about the pros and cons of various hotel search engines in my review of hotel and apartment reservation systems
Hostel in Berlin
Ibis 2 star hotel
Hotel 4 stars Mercure
Cheap apartment on AirBNB
Long term rental or by apartment
Prices in expensive areas of Berlin
- Rent 13,5 - 15,6 USD = 13 - 15 EUR per square meter, that is, renting a small apartment of 60 m2 will cost about 781,3 - 937,5 USD = 750 - 900 EUR per month
- Buying 4 479,2 - 6 770,9 USD = 4 300 - 6 500 EUR per square meter, that is, an apartment of 60m2 will cost about 312 504,9 - 416 673,2 USD = 300 000 - 400 000 EUR
Examples of expensive areas:
- Mitte is the city center, here are the Bundestag, Alexanderplatz and Potsdamer Platz
- Pankow is the most populated district of Berlin
- Charlottenburg is one of the most fashionable areas
Prices in low-cost districts of Berlin
- Rent 8,3 - 10,4 USD = 8 - 10 EUR per square meter, that is, renting a small apartment of 60 m2 will cost about 500 - 625 USD = 480 - 600 EUR
- Buying 2 916,7 - 3 958,4 USD = 2 800 - 3 800 EUR per square meter, that is, an apartment of 60m2 will cost about 177 086,1 - 239 587,1 USD = 170 000 - 230 000 EUR
Examples of relatively cheap areas:
- Marzahn is the cheapest area to rent in Berlin, with mostly typical panel houses.
- Neukölln - traditionally considered a district of workers and immigrants
- Spandau is a bit remote and sparsely populated district of Berlin. Property prices are the lowest in the city.
How to search for an apartment in Berlin
The most popular bulletin board is immobilienscout24.de A large base of apartments for rent and for sale
You can try to find a suitable apartment at
AirBNB (daily rent for tourists), and offer the owner to rent an apartment for a long time with a discount.
Apartments are usually rented without furniture
All plumbing is in excellent condition
Houses in Berlin are usually around 4-6 floors
Clean and green yards
Real Estate Costs in Germany
Utility payments in Berlin are approximately 208,3 - 312,5 USD = 200 - 300 EUR per apartment per month or 3,6 - 4,7 USD = 3.5 - 4.5 EUR per square meter of housing. The main cost is hot water and heating.
Internet costs about 31,3 USD = 30 EUR for unlimited home Internet at a good speed.
Also, most Germans buy real estate insurance for 104,2 - 125 USD = 100 - 120 EUR per year. Insurance is beneficial in the case of minor breakdowns, such as the failure of plumbing, breakdown of built-in wardrobes, window fittings, etc.
Electricity is charged separately. The average bill for a family of three is 78,1 USD = 75 EUR –90 Electricity in Germany costs about 0,34 USD = 0.33 EUR per kilowatt per hour
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I want to study in Germany so kindly tell me about hostel price.
Costs you nothing, you get "Bafög"
read more here about it:
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How much it cost 2 room apartment on sharing basis in germany the cheapest one?
- In germany nothing, if you come to Germany, you get free money each day, (around 900 USD) and for this you can get an apartement (mine costs 380 USD + water and radiators). I can not work atm because i am sick. You also get free healthcare (states healthcare). Like if you need new teeth you get it. This all will help you get started, and sadly, i can not work since 5 years, and i just get this money and my Apartment payed + healthcare. A apartement for two person works the same, you both get 460 euros + they pay your apartement if it costs not more than 500 USD. and of course both get heealthcare.