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Dining and drinking prices in Slovakia and Bratislava

Street food

  • Sandwiches and kebabs 1,7 - 2,8 USD = 1.60 - 2.60 EUR per 300g.
  • In a kebab lunch of grilled meat with rice 5,4 USD = 5. EUR shaurma 3,5 USD = 3.2 EUR
  • Boiled Corn 0,33 USD = 0.30 EUR per 100g.
  • Potatoes fried 0,54 USD = 0.50 EUR per 100g.
  • Pizza(piece) 1,1 USD = 1.00 EUR
  • Ice Cream 1,1 USD = 1.00 EUR per ball.
  • Beer from 1,6 USD = 1.50 EUR per 500ml.
  • Cofee Espresso 1,6 USD = 1.50 EUR
  • Americano 1,7 USD = 1.60 EUR
  • Latte 2,2 USD = 2.00 EUR
  • Water from 1,1 USD = 1.00 EUR
Prices for food in Slovakia, Corn, cookies
Corn, cookies
Prices for food in Slovakia, Sandwiches
Prices for food in Slovakia, Fast food
Fast food
Food prices in Bratislava, In the street kiosk
In the street kiosk
Food prices in Bratislava, Baguette cafe
Baguette cafe
Food prices in Bratislava, kebab cafe
kebab cafe

Compare withCroatia prices

Popular shopping center Bratislava Mall

How much does it cost to eat at a food court

  • Grilled meat with salad or vegetables 4,3 - 5,4 USD = 4 - 5 EUR
  • Chicken breast with potatoes 5,4 USD = 5 EUR
  • Mexican burrito 4,7 USD = 4.3 EUR
  • Salmon steak with potatoes 9,4 USD = 8.6 EUR
  • Seafood paella 6,5 USD = 6 EUR
  • Large sandwich 2,7 - 3,8 USD = 2.5 - 3.5 EUR
  • Hamburger, roll 3,3 USD = 3. EUR a hamburger-based lunch 5,4 USD = 5 EUR
  • Carbonara paste 5,2 USD = 4.75 EUR
  • Roll of rolls and sushi (8 pcs.) 6,5 USD = 6 EUR
  • Soup-bouillon 1,6 USD = 1.5 EUR
  • Soup with fish 2,7 - 5,4 USD = 2.5 - 5 EUR
Food prices in Bratislava, Meat dishes in grill cafe
Meat dishes in grill cafe
Food prices in Bratislava, Typical food in Slovakia
Typical food in Slovakia
Food prices in Bratislava, Mexican burrito
Mexican burrito
Food prices in Bratislava, Fish dishes
Fish dishes
Food prices in Bratislava, Sandwiches
Food prices in Bratislava, Hamburgers
Food prices in Bratislava, Comprehensive lunch
Comprehensive lunch
Food prices in Bratislava, pasta dishes
pasta dishes
Food prices in Bratislava, Sandy food
Sandy food
Food prices in Bratislava, Japanese sushi and rolls
Japanese sushi and rolls
Food prices in Bratislava, Ice cream and cocktails
Ice cream and cocktails
Food prices in Bratislava, Cocktails and juices
Cocktails and juices

How much does a cheap lunch at a cafe or dining

  • Salads in a canteen 0,65 USD = 0.6 EUR per 100g.
  • Lasagna in a canteen 4,2 USD = 3.90 EUR per 200g.
  • Hot meals in a canteen 2,7 - 4,1 USD = 2.50 - 3.80 EUR
  • Sandwiches in Subway 3,3 USD = 3 EUR
  • McDonald's Big Mac, McChicken 3 USD = 2.80 EUR
  • In McDonalds Hamburger, Cheeseburger 1,1 USD = 1.00 EUR
  • Big-Mac menu 5,2 USD = 4.80 EUR

In a coffee house on the waterfront

  • Espresso 2,3 USD = 2.1 EUR
  • Cappuccino 3 USD = 2.8 EUR
  • Lemonade 4,3 USD = 4 EUR for 0.5
  • Milkshake 4,3 USD = 4 EUR
  • Fresh juice 0.3L 2,7 - 3,8 USD = 2.5 - 3.5 EUR
  • Smoothies 2,7 - 3,8 USD = 2.5 - 3.5 EUR
  • Ice cream 1,5 USD = 1.4 EUR
  • Alcoholic cocktail 5,7 - 6,2 USD = 5.2 - 5.7 EUR
  • Beer 2,7 - 2,9 USD = 2.5 - 2.7 EUR
  • wine 3,3 USD = 3 EUR glass 16,3 - 22,8 USD = 15 - 21 EUR bottle
Food prices in Bratislava, Tea and coffee
Tea and coffee
Food prices in Bratislava, Lemonades and smoothies
Lemonades and smoothies
Food prices in Bratislava, Alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages
Food prices in Bratislava, Breakfast at a restaurant
Breakfast at a restaurant

How much does lunch cost at an inexpensive dining room

  • Salads in a dining room 0,65 USD = 0.6 EUR per 100gr
  • Lasagna 4,2 USD = 3.90 EUR for 200gr
  • Hot meals 2,7 - 4,1 USD = 2.50 - 3.80 EUR
Dinning prices in Bratislava in Slovakia, Dinner
Dinning prices in Bratislava in Slovakia, Vegetable salads
Vegetable salads
Dinning prices in Bratislava in Slovakia, Lasagna
Dinning prices in Bratislava in Slovakia, Asian cuisine
Asian cuisine
Dinning prices in Bratislava in Slovakia, Inexpensive cafe
Inexpensive cafe
Dinning prices in Bratislava in Slovakia, Prices in McDonalds
Prices in McDonalds

Fast food in McDonald's

  • Sandwiches from Subway (half) 3,3 USD = 3 EUR
  • McDonald's Big Mac, McChicken 3 USD = 2.80 EUR
  • In McDonald's Hamburger, Cheeseburger 1,1 USD = 1.00 EUR
  • Mac menu 5,2 USD = 4.80 EUR
  • Toast with cheese and ham 1,5 USD = 1.4 EUR with coffee 2,5 USD = 2.3 EUR
Prices for food in Slovakia, Prices in McDonald's
Prices in McDonald's
Food prices in Slovakia, McDonald's

Prices in Slovakia in tourist restaurants

Meat restaurants

  • Burgers per 400g: 9,2 - 11,4 USD = 8.5 - 10.5 EUR
  • Steaks 16,3 - 21,7 USD = 15 - 20 EUR per 200-300gr.
  • Salads 6 - 7,1 USD = 5.5 - 6.5 EUR per 300g.
  • grilled chicken breast 7,8 USD = 7.20 EUR per 250g.
  • Salmon grilled 13 USD = 12 EUR per 250g.
  • Lamb with potatoes 21,7 USD = 20 EUR per 450g.
  • Dishes with meat on the ribs 14,1 - 22,8 USD = 13 - 21 EUR per 800-900gr.
  • Dishes with seafood 15,2 - 21,7 USD = 14 - 20 EUR per 150-250gr.
Prices for food in Slovakia, Burgers and steaks at a restaurant
Burgers and steaks at a restaurant
Prices for food in Slovakia, Salads at a restaurant
Salads at a restaurant
Prices for food in Slovakia, grilled meat and seafood at a restaurant
grilled meat and seafood at a restaurant

Compare withPrague prices

Italian restaurant

  • Soups from 7,6 USD = 7 EUR
  • main dishes from 16,3 USD = 15 EUR
  • salads from 14,1 USD = 13 EUR
  • Local beer 0.33L. 2,7 USD = 2.5 EUR
Prices in Bratislava, Menu of Italian restaurant, main courses
Menu of Italian restaurant, main courses
Prices in restaurants in Bratislava, Italian salads
Italian salads

Asian cuisine and sushi

  • Ramen noodles with seafood 13 USD = 12 EUR
  • Noodles with chicken 9,8 USD = 9 EUR
  • Pad tai 13 USD = 12 EUR
  • Meat Dishes 13 - 14,1 USD = 12 - 13 EUR
  • In the sushi bar soup 3,6 USD = 3.3 EUR
  • set of sushi and rolls 12 pieces 18 USD = 16.6 EUR
Prices in restaurants in Bratislava, Asian cuisine
Asian cuisine
Prices in restaurants in Bratislava, Sushi bar soups
Sushi bar soups
Prices in restaurants in Bratislava, prices for sushi and rolls
prices for sushi and rolls

How much does dinner cost in a grill restaurant

  • In a restaurant of the Brazilian cuisine, a meat dish 200 g. 13 - 27,2 USD = 12 - 25 EUR
  • Whole grilled fish 300gr 13 - 14,1 USD = 12 - 13 EUR
  • Salmon fillet 250 gr. grill 17,4 USD = 16 EUR
  • In a steak restaurant, a premium ribbon steak 41,3 USD = 38 EUR for 400g
Prices in restaurants in Bratislava, Brazilian cuisine main dishes
Brazilian cuisine main dishes
Prices in restaurants in Bratislava, Brazilian cuisine meat and fish
Brazilian cuisine meat and fish
Eating out prices in Bratislava, In the steak restaurant
In the steak restaurant
Eating out prices in Bratislava, Steak restaurant
Steak restaurant


  • Espresso 2,2 USD = 2 EUR
  • Cappuccino 2,7 USD = 2.5 EUR
  • Complex breakfast 4,9 USD = 4.5 EUR
  • Lemonade 2,9 USD = 2.7 EUR for 0.5l
  • Cocktails 4,3 USD = 4 EUR
  • Wine glass 100ml. 2,2 USD = 2 EUR
  • Beer 0.3L. 2,2 - 3,3 USD = 2 - 3 EUR
  • Tomato soup 2,7 USD = 2.45 EUR
  • Sandwich 5,4 - 6,5 USD = 5 - 6 EUR
  • Salad 6 USD = 5.5 EUR
Prices in cafes in Bratislava, Coffee in the cafe
Coffee in the cafe
Prices in cafes in Bratislava, Menu in a cafe
Menu in a cafe
Prices in cafes in Bratislava, Lemons and cocktails
Lemons and cocktails
Prices in cafes in Bratislava, Alcohol
Prices in cafes in Bratislava, Wafers
Prices in cafes in Bratislava, Hot dishes and snacks
Hot dishes and snacks
Prices in cafes in Bratislava, Cafe near the embankment
Cafe near the embankment


  • Beer local 1,5 - 1,8 USD = 1.40 - 1.70 EUR
  • czech beer 05l. 1,7 - 2,4 USD = 1.6 - 2.2 EUR
  • A bottle of vodka or rum 0.5l 58,7 USD = 54 EUR
  • Coffee 1,5 - 1,8 USD = 1.40 - 1.70 EUR
Prices in Slovakia, Prices for beer in a pub
Prices for beer in a pub
Prices in Slovakia, Brasserie on the street
Brasserie on the street
Prices in Slovakia, Sample street food prices
Sample street food prices
Prices in bars in Bratislava, Beergarden
Prices in bars in Bratislava, Music Bar
Music Bar
Prices in bars in Bratislava, Alcoholic drinks in the bar
Alcoholic drinks in the bar

Read more:

  • - Restaurant prices
  • Food prices at grocery stores
  • Local and intercity transportation
  • Atrractions prices examples
  • Archive of prices 2012y.
  • Prices worldwide


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