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Attractions and entertainment in Slovakia in Bratislava - examples of prices

Excursions in Bratislava with prices

Bratislava Castle is a must visit. It is located in the old town, at the very top.Location: 48.141916, 17.100052

Travel agency FloraTour. A decent firm, a cozy atmosphere, polite staff, a large selection of tours. Details on the

Sample tour prices

  • City tour by the train. The cost is 41,3 USD = 38. EUR
  • An interesting excursion to Vienna along the river from Bratislava to Vienna. Cost from 21,7 USD = 20. EUR
  • River Cruise 45 minutes 6,5 USD = 6 EUR

In some pedestrian areas of the city there is free WiFi

Read my review of useful websites to buy tickets for sightseeing tours and attractions

Attractions in Bratislava, Train tour
Train tour
Sights of Bratislava, Excursion train
Excursion train
Attractions in Bratislava, Prices for river cruises
Prices for river cruises
Attractions in Bratislava, Bratislava Castle
Bratislava Castle
Rest in Bratislava, Prices for massage
Prices for massage


  • 60 minutes 47,3 USD = 43.50 EUR
  • 100 minutes 71,2 USD = 65.50 EUR

For more information:

Prices for souvenirs in Slovakia and Bratislava

  • Alcohol - Medovina 5,4 USD = 4.95. EUR a set of 3 bottles in a package 17,3 USD = 15.95 EUR
  • Frames with a picture of the city 13,6 USD = 12.50 EUR
  • Honey 5,4 USD = 4.95 EUR
  • Fixtures 10,8 USD = 9.95 EUR
  • Magnets from 4,3 USD = 3.95 EUR
  • Dishes from 4,3 USD = 3.95 EUR

Photos of various souvenirs in Bratislava

Souvenirs in Slovakia, Souvenir alcohol
Souvenir alcohol
Souvenirs in Slovakia, Various souvenirs
Various souvenirs
Souvenirs in Slovakia, Souvenir machines
Souvenir machines
Souvenirs in Slovakia, Magnets
Souvenirs in Slovakia, Honey
Souvenirs in Slovakia, Plates and mugs
Plates and mugs

Read more:

  • Restaurant prices
  • Food prices at grocery stores
  • Local and intercity transportation
  • - Atrractions prices examples
  • Archive of prices 2012y.
  • Prices worldwide


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