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Eatery and restaurant prices in Vienna in Austria

Eating out prices in Vienna

  • Street food (hot dog, kebab) 3,3 - 4,4 USD = 3 - 4 EUR
  • Hamburger at McDonald's 4 USD = 3.7 EUR
  • Cappuccino at a cafe 2,7 - 4,9 USD = 2.5 - 4.5 EUR
  • Croissant 1,1 USD = 1 EUR
  • Cake 3,3 USD = 3 EUR
  • Viennese schnitzel in a local restaurant 7,6 USD = 7 EUR
  • Viennese schnitzel in a tourist restaurant 16,3 - 27,2 USD = 15 - 25 EUR
  • Beer at a bar 3,3 USD = 3 EUR

Street and fast food cost

What you can eat on the street in Vienna

  • Kebab, hot dog, hamburger on the street 3,3 - 4,4 USD = 3 - 4 EUR
  • Noodles, rice with vegetables and chicken 3,9 - 5 USD = 3.6 - 4.6 EUR
  • Japanese rolls 6 pcs 3,3 USD = 3 EUR
  • Coca Cola, tea and other drinks 05l. 2,2 USD = 2 EUR
  • Cappuccino 3 USD = 2.8 EUR
  • Beer 0.5l 3 - 3,5 USD = 2.8 - 3.2 EUR
  • Marlboro Cigarettes 6,4 USD = 5.9 EUR
Street food in Vienna in Austria, What you can eat on the street
What you can eat on the street
Street food in Vienna in Austria, Hamburgers and hot dogs
Hamburgers and hot dogs
Street food in Vienna in Austria, Noodles and rice
Noodles and rice
Street food in Vienna in Austria, Beer and other drinks on the street
Beer and other drinks on the street
Street food in Vienna in Austria, Noodle soup
Noodle soup

How much does a buffet lunch

  • Buffet "ALL YOU CAN EAT" 7,4 USD = 6.80 EUR
  • Buffet "take out" 4,2 - 5,3 USD = 3.90 - 4.90 EUR
  • Pizza 3,3 USD = 3.00 EUR per piece
  • Italian wines 2,7 USD = 2.50 EUR for 125ml.
  • Austrian wine 2,2 USD = 2.00 EUR for 125ml.
prices in Vienna cafes, Inexpensive cafes
Inexpensive cafes
Food prices in Vienna cafes, Prices for pizza
Prices for pizza
in Vienna cafes, Buffet - eat as much as you can
Buffet - eat as much as you can

MakDolands prices

  • Big Mac, MakChiken 3,9 USD = 3.59 EUR
  • McMuffin 2,4 USD = 2.19 EUR
  • Cakes from 2,2 USD = 1.99 EUR
  • Coffee from 2,2 USD = 1.99 EUR
  • Tea from 2,7 USD = 2.49 EUR
  • Hot chocolate (dark and white) from 2,6 USD = 2.39 EUR
Fast food in Vienna, McDonalds menu
McDonalds menu

What are the prices in Vienna coffeehouses

  • Cappuccino 3 - 3,7 USD = 2.8 - 3.4 EUR
  • Espresso 2 - 2,9 USD = 1.8 - 2.7 EUR
  • Croissant, bun 0,76 - 1,20 USD = 0.7 - 1.1 EUR
  • Donuts pies, puffs 2,2 USD = 2 EUR
  • Cake 2,4 - 3,5 USD = 2.2 - 3.2 EUR
  • Ice cream 1 ball 1,4 USD = 1.3 EUR

What a delicious sold in a cafe - photos

Prices in a cafe in Vienna, Coffee card
Coffee card
Prices in a cafe in Vienna, Cakes
Prices in a cafe in Vienna, more coffee in a coffee shop
more coffee in a coffee shop
Prices in a cafe in Vienna, Baking
Prices in a cafe in Vienna, Various rolls
Various rolls
Prices in a cafe in Vienna, Baking in a cafe
Baking in a cafe
Prices in a cafe in Vienna, Ice cream
Ice cream

Expensive cafe Sacher - how much is the original cake

  • A slice of Sacher cake 9 USD = 8.3 EUR
  • Cappuccino 5,8 USD = 5.3 EUR
  • Sacher cake, depending on size 26,1 - 37 USD = 24 - 34 EUR
Expensive coffee shop in Vienna, Menu in cafe Sacher
Menu in cafe Sacher
Expensive coffee in Vienna, Prices for cakes Sacher
Prices for cakes Sacher

Examples of food prices in inexpensive restaurants

Austrian cuisine restaurant away from the center

  • Lunch at lunchtime 6,5 USD = 6 EUR
  • Toasts 3,6 USD = 3.3 EUR
  • Salad 7,6 - 8,7 USD = 7 - 8 EUR
  • Vegetable salad 2,7 USD = 2.5 EUR
  • Soup 2,7 - 2,9 USD = 2.5 - 2.7 EUR
  • Goulash 7,4 USD = 6.8 EUR
  • Vienna Schnitzel 8,2 USD = 7.5 EUR
  • Large meat dishes 12 USD = 11 EUR
  • Desserts 3,3 - 5,4 USD = 3 - 5. EUR for example strudel 3,3 USD = 3 EUR
  • Cappuccino 3 USD = 2.8 EUR
  • Beer 0.5L. 4 USD = 3.7 EUR

Restaurant menu for locals, not in the tourist area

Restaurant menu in Austria in Vienna, Soups and dishes of the Viennese cuisine
Soups and dishes of the Viennese cuisine
Restaurant menu in Austria in Vienna, Meat dishes
Meat dishes
Restaurant menu in Austria in Vienna, Fish and salads
Fish and salads
Restaurant menu in Austria in Vienna, Desserts and cakes
Desserts and cakes
Restaurant menu in Austria in Vienna, Coffee bar
Coffee bar
Restaurant menu in Austria in Vienna, Alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages

Various restaurants

  • Asian restaurant, soup fo, pasta, udon 8,2 - 10,3 USD = 7.5 - 9.5 EUR
  • In a Japanese restaurant, lunch Bento 8,7 - 9,8 USD = 8 - 9 EUR
  • Soup at the Italian Restoran 3,8 USD = 3.5 EUR
  • Caesar salad 7,9 USD = 7.3 EUR
  • Carbonara paste, Bolognese 7,6 USD = 7 EUR
  • Meat Dishes 9,8 - 10,9 USD = 9 - 10 EUR
  • Soup 4,4 USD = 4 EUR
  • Goulash 7,6 USD = 7 EUR
  • Toasts 3,5 USD = 3.2 EUR
Prices in Vienna in restaurants, Lunches in a cafe
Lunches in a cafe
Prices in Vienna in restaurants, Asian restaurant
Asian restaurant
Prices in Vienna in restaurants, Japanese cuisine
Japanese cuisine
Prices in Vienna in restaurants, Sushi bar
Sushi bar
Prices in Vienna in restaurants, Italian restaurant
Italian restaurant

How much does dinner cost in tourist restaurants

  • Soup from 4,9 USD = 4.5 EUR
  • Viennese schnitzel with potato salad 16,3 - 27,2 USD = 15 - 25 EUR
  • Vienna Tafelspitz 21,8 USD = 20 EUR
  • Vienna goulash 16,3 USD = 15 EUR
  • Salad 5,1 - 8,2 USD = 4.7 - 7.5 EUR
Prices in Vienna in a restaurant, tourist restaurant
tourist restaurant
Prices in Vienna in a restaurant, Another tourist restaurant
Another tourist restaurant
Prices in Vienna in a restaurant, Menu in the restaurant with pictures
Menu in the restaurant with pictures
Prices in Vienna in a restaurant, Various inexpensive dishes
Various inexpensive dishes

Examples of dishes in a Vienna reastaurant

  • schnitzel with potato salad 16,3 USD = 15 EUR
  • Boiled beef Viennese apple horseradish, spinach and roasted potatoes 17,4 USD = 16 EUR
  • Stew cabbage with meat and potatoes 12 USD = 11 EUR
  • Beef stew with potatoes and parsley 12 USD = 11 EUR
  • Sirloin of beef grilled 23,9 USD = 22 EUR
  • Steak ostrich meat with baby carrots and boiled potatoes with parsley 26,1 USD = 24 EUR
  • Wiener Schnitzel 13,3 USD = 12.20 EUR
  • The American sandwich 5,1 USD = 4.70 EUR
  • Toast 3,7 USD = 3.40 EUR
  • A plate of salad 7,1 USD = 6.50 EUR
Prices in a restaurant in Vienna, Dishes based on steak
Dishes based on steak
Prices in a restaurant in Vienna, Main dishes in a restaurant
Main dishes in a restaurant
Prices in a restaurant in Vienna, Sample menu in a restaurant with prices
Sample menu in a restaurant with prices

Seafood restaurant meal prices

  • Grilled seafood 21,8 - 43,5 USD = 20 - 40 EUR per serving
  • Shrimp salad 6,5 USD = 6 EUR per 100gr
  • Grilled fish with potatoes 12 - 14,1 USD = 11 - 13 EUR
Food prices in Vienna in Austria, Seafood grill
Seafood grill
Food prices in Vienna in Austria, Seafood salads
Seafood salads
Food prices in Vienna in Austria, Grilled fish
Grilled fish
Food prices in Vienna in Austria, Sushi sets
Sushi sets

Drinks prices in a cafe-bar

  • Coffee 2,7 - 4,6 USD = 2.50 - 4.20 EUR
  • Coffee with additives 4,1 - 5,4 USD = 3.80 - 5.00 EUR
  • Tea 4,1 USD = 3.80 EUR
  • Milkshakes 1,6 - 3,8 USD = 1.50 - 3.50 EUR
  • Wine 2,7 - 9,8 USD = 2.50 - 9 EUR per serving
  • Liqueur 4,2 - 4,4 USD = 3.90 - 4.00 EUR per serving
  • Beer from 3 USD = 2.80 EUR for 0.3l.
Food prices in a restaurant in Vienna, Prices of beer at the bar
Prices of beer at the bar
Food prices in a restaurant in Vienna, Prices in the cafe
Prices in the cafe

Read more:

  • - Prices at cafes and restaurants
  • Grocery stores food prices
  • Attractions, souvenirs
  • Transportation, cars
  • Hotels and real estate in Austria and Vienna
  • Prices worldwide


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    Jagdish 2024-02-12
    Good information


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