The cost of fruits and vegetables in Chaing Mai
Markets of Chaing Mai
How much are fruits
Fruits bought only in a market because of the price. Exceptions to this sale in supermarkets, which is not very often.
- Mango, depending on the season, size and freshness
- Mango yellow sweet 0,73 - 1,74 USD = 25 - 60 THB
- Mango green sour 0,29 - 0,73 USD = 10 - 25 THB
- Papaya 0,58 - 0,87 USD = 20 - 30 THB per kg
- Pamela 0,29 USD = 10 THB per piece
- Prices depend on the season pineapples, freshness and size
- Pineapple 1 piece worth 0,29 - 0,44 USD = 10 - 15 THB
- Pineapple per kilogram 0,29 - 0,44 USD = 10 - 15 THB
- Watermelon 0,44 USD = 15 THB per kilogram
- Longkong 0,58 - 1,02 USD = 20 - 35 THB per kilogram. Seasonal fruit
- Longan 1,2 USD = 40 THB
- Durian 1,7 USD = 60 THB per kilo unpeeled
- Jack fruit 2,9 USD = 100 THB per kilogram of cleaning pitted
- mangosteen 0,73 USD = 25 THB per kilogram
- Red Dragon 1 USD = 35 THB per kilogram
- Bananas 0,29 - 0,44 USD = 10 - 15 THB per node (average 0,20 - 0,29 USD = 7 - 10 THB per kilo)
- Pink apple 1,2 USD = 40 THB per kg.
- Dried tamarind 1,9 USD = 65 THB
Photos of market and fruits in Chiang Mai
Yellow mango
Ahead lonkong
Lonkong and mangosteen
Tangerines and pink apples on 65
Pamela in the market
Small bananas
Dried tamarinds
Eggs on the market
Compare with Vietnam prices
The cost of vegetables
- Cabbage 0,29 USD = 10 THB per kg.
- Lime 0,44 - 87,40 USD = 15 - 3010 THB pieces depending on the size and quality
- Tomatoes-depend on the season 0,44 - 1,45 USD = 15 - 50 THB per kg.
- Cucumbers 0,44 USD = 15 THB per kg.
- Bunches of various greens 0,15 - 0,20 USD = 5 - 7 THB
Various herbs
Bitter melon
Prices of different vegetables in the market
Bitter melon and cauliflower
Various local vegetables
Seafood in the market
Prices for fruits in a supermarket in Chaing Mai
- dragon fruit 2,9 USD = 100 THB
- Yellow mango 2,9 USD = 100 THB
- Papaya 2 USD = 70 THB
- Oranges 4,4 USD = 150 THB
- Lokong 1,9 USD = 65 THB
- Pears 2,5 - 3,5 USD = 85 - 120 THB
- Avocado 1,3 USD = 45 THB
Fruits in a supermarket
Papaya and orange
Long Kong
Pear and avocado
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Please, submit prices and photos to the group on FacebookAnd please advice what is food items available in phuket as a jain menu
[Reply] 00g-8851359705328
Price not different in phamarcy or supermarket. But we usually shopping via app like shopee, lazada.
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