Archive of prices in Belgium 2012-2014
How much it costs to eat in Belgium (Brussels) in a cafe
- Dinner for two in a restaurant 51,5 - 82,4 USD = 50 - 80 EUR
- The complex dinner in a cafe or restaurant, is offered during lunch time 12,4 - 18,5 USD = 12 - 18 EUR
- Lunch at McDonalds 6,2 - 9,3 USD = 6 - 9 EUR
- A bag of potatoes with sauce of choice, on the street 2,3 USD = 2.20 EUR
- Beer in a cafe or restaurant cost 3,1 - 5,2 USD = 3 - 5 EUR
- Cappuccino in a cafe 3,1 - 4,1 USD = 3 - 4 EUR
Examples of prices in supermarket in Brussels
Vegetables and fruits per 1 kg.
- Brussels sprouts 1,5 USD = 1.5 EUR
- potatoes 1,2 USD = 1.2 EUR
- apples 1 - 2,1 USD = 1 - 2 EUR
- oranges 2,1 - 3,1 USD = 2 - 3 EUR
Meat and milk per 1 kg or per 1 liter.
- whole chicken 2,6 - 3,1 USD = 2.5 - 3 EUR
- chicken 5,2 - 8,2 USD = 5 - 8 EUR
- chops 8,2 - 9,3 USD = 8 - 9 EUR
- steaks 7,2 - 9,3 USD = 7 - 9 EUR
- goulash 10,3 - 11,3 USD = 10 - 11 EUR
- ham 10,3 USD = 10 EUR
- cheese 10,3 - 13,4 USD = 10 - 13 EUR
- milk cost 0,82 - 1,03 USD = 0.8 - 1 EUR
- 10 eggs 2,6 - 3,1 USD = 2.5 - 3 EUR
Various food
- loaf of bread 800 gr. 1,5 USD = 1.5 EUR
- 4 croissant 3,1 - 5,2 USD = 3 - 5 EUR
- frozen pizza 8,2 USD = 8 EUR for 1 kg
- tea 110 bags 3,9 USD = 3.8 EUR
- ready rice with seafood 9,3 USD = 9 EUR for 1 kg
- ice cream 2,6 USD = 2.5 EUR per 4 liters
- table wine cost 3,1 - 7,2 USD = 3 - 7 EUR per bottle
- beer 1,3 - 2,1 USD = 1.3 - 2 EUR for 0.5S
- a pack of cigarettes 5,2 USD = 5 EUR
Public transportation fares
Travel card
Card valid for all kinds of transport in the city
- 1 trip 1,5 USD = 1.5 EUR
- 5 trips 6,9 USD = 6.7 EUR
- 10 trips 11,3 USD = 11 EUR
- travel for a day 4,1 USD = 4 EUR
- Bus from Brussels airport 3,1 USD = 3. EUR runs every 20 minutes
- Bike rental 3,1 USD = 3 EUR an hour and 20,6 USD = 20 EUR a day
- Gasoline costs 1,5 - 1,6 USD = 1.5 - 1.6 EUR
Prices for attractions in Belgium in Brussels
- The Museum of painting (The Royal Museums of Fine Arts) adult 5,2 USD = 5. EUR children 3,6 USD = 3.50 EUR
- The Atomium adult 9,3 USD = 9. EUR for children 6,2 USD = 6 EUR
- City Of Brussels Museum 3,1 USD = 3 EUR
- Art Nouveau Architecture 4,1 USD = 4 EUR
- Musical Instruments Museum 4,1 USD = 4 EUR
- The Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art adult 7,7 USD = 7.50. EUR for children 3,1 USD = 3 EUR
- Technopolis ( 11,3 USD = 11 EUR
- Mini-Europe ( for adults 12,8 USD = 12.40. EUR for children 9,7 USD = 9.40 EUR
- Oceade water Park Bruparck adult 15,5 USD = 15. EUR Children's 12,4 USD = 12 EUR
- Children's cognitive science museum, Museum of Natural Sciences Adult 7,2 USD = 7. EUR children 4,6 USD = 4.50 EUR
Tourist travel Brussels Card
Travel bypublic transportation, as well as free entrance to 26 museums, discounts on attractions, tours, shops, as well as restaurants and bars.
- 1 day costs 20,6 USD = 20 EUR
- 2 days 28,8 USD = 28 EUR
- 3 days 34 USD = 33 EUR
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