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Buses in Miri (Borneo) - prices and locations

Bus stations in Miri

Two bus stations are located in the city.

Tourist map of Miri

Intercity buses from Miri

From long-distance bus station the main directions are: Bintulu, Sibu and Kuching. Prices:

  • Sibu 10 USD = 45 MYR
  • Kuching 20 USD = 90 MYR (about 16 hours with two stops for food and toilet.
Malaysia, transport in Miri, Bus to Sibu
Bus to Sibu
Malaysia, transport in Miri, Biaramas bus company
Biaramas bus company
Malaysia, transport in Miri, Bus to Kuching
Bus to Kuching
Malaysia, transport in Miri, Luxury bus to Kuching
Luxury bus to Kuching

Interval of departure one hour. All the details and tickets at the station. From the city center to the intercity bus station - about 5 km. Can be reached by foot. Also by city buses. The level of comfort in buses is very different. One of the good carriers - Biaramas

City buses of Miri

Cost of travel by city buses 0,33 USD = 1.5 MYR

Malaysia, transport in Miri, Timetable of city buses
Timetable of city buses

Bus to Miri airport

New airport can be reached by bus number 22-28 for 0,56 USD = 2.5. MYR Departure interval an hour and a half. The trip takes about 20 minutes. The Location of new international airport: 4.32509, 113.98380

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Abu 2023-06-16
Intercity Bus station and bus stops still operational?

Aziz 2023-06-11
Apakah Shuttle Bus dari Bandara Miri ke Kota Masih tersedia?

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