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Transport in Uzbekistan - buses, trains and taxis

Taxi in Uzbekistan

For tourists the most convenient way to travel around Uzbekistan is a taxi, and less convenient - train. It is good to find a companion. If you decide to take a taxi, make sure you arrange in advance for the cost of travel, the exact destination and in what currency you will pay.

Rent a car

There are no international rental firms such as Hertz, Avis, Budget

The cost of gasoline in Uzbekistan

  • 91 th 0,18 USD = 2 280 UZS
  • 95 th 0,20 USD = 2 505 UZS

How to get from the airport of Samarkand to the city

Samarkand Airport is located 5 km from the city (coordinates: 39.696059, 66.990950) when you exit you will be attacked with taxi drivers and very annoying. But if you are confident will pass about 200 meters from the airport towards the city, you come to the bus stop, where for 0,05 USD = 700 UZS you reach your desired street.

Transportation in Uzbekistan, Buses from the stop
Buses from the stop "Airport" in Samakatd

Features of passing customs in Uzbekistan

Be sure to make a declaration of all imported items such as photographic equipment, gold, silver, smart phones, computers, tablets. Do not forget to mention even such trifles as a wrist watch. From medicines bring only what you really need, we have examined the composition of the medical bag.

The amount of currency when leaving the country should not in any case exceed the specified by you at the entrance. Recalculate the currency in advance with special attention

Trains in Uzbekistan

The main directions from Tashkent - is a modern high-speed train "Afrosiyob" to Samarkand (runs every day), and train to Samarkand through Bukhara and Nukus (near the Aral Sea)/

Trains are long: from Bukhara to Tashkent 12 hours, from Samarkand to Bukhara 5 hours (three hours by taxi).

Transportation in Uzbekistan, Train  Tashkent-Samakard
Train Tashkent-Samakard
Transportation in Uzbekistan, Trains destinations from Samakand
Trains destinations from Samakand
Transportation in Uzbekistan, Train schedule from Tashkent
Train schedule from Tashkent

Features buying a train ticket

Tickets for the main direction is better to buy at least for 3 days in advance. You can make payment by Sums and credit cards.

Examples of the cost of train tickets in Uzbekistan

Prices are based on early bookings (more than 3 days prior to departure of the train).

  • Samarkand - Bukhara, sedentary 2,5 USD = 32 000 UZS
  • Bukhara - Tashkent, compartment 6,1 USD = 78 000 UZS
  • Tashkent - Almaty, second-class 12,6 USD = 162 000 UZS

Trains photos and travel conditions

Transportation in Uzbekistan, Train Samakard - Bukhara
Train Samakard - Bukhara
Transportation in Uzbekistan, Sedentary wagon of train Samakard Bukhara
Sedentary wagon of train Samakard Bukhara
Transport in Uzbekistan, compartment Bukhara-Tashkent
compartment Bukhara-Tashkent
Transportation in Uzbekistan, reserved seat train Tashkent - Almaty
reserved seat train Tashkent - Almaty

City buses in Tashkent and Samakand

In Samarkand and Tashkent there are city buses. Bukhara is so small, that the old town you will walk quietly and on foot, but from the city to the train station you should take the minibus.

The buses in Tashkent comfortable, modern type. The fare 0,09 USD = 1 200 UZS The town also has branched metro, but to distant places of the city you have to take a bus. In Samarkand, buses are more like a big mini-bus, payment takes "boy-touted". The inscriptions on the buses in the Uzbek language, which creates difficulty in understanding

Transportation in Uzbekistan, Modern bus
Modern bus
Transportation in Uzbekistan, Buses  in Uzbekistan
Buses in Uzbekistan
Transportation in Uzbekistan, Inside the bus
Inside the bus

Metro in Tashkent

Metropolitan was built in Soviet times, so some stations are very beautiful.

Transportation in Uzbekistan, Subway  in Tashkent
Subway in Tashkent
Transportation in Uzbekistan, Tokens for the metro in Tashkent
Tokens for the metro in Tashkent

Features and the fare on the subway

The fare 0,09 USD = 1 200 UZS Issued a tocken which should be put into the machine at the entrance to the subway. No weekend tickets and ticket for the day also is not.

To photograph is strictly prohibited, at the entrance they check the contents of bags and pass through a metal detector.   Pay special attention to the photographic equipment. When leaving the country Customs employees can check all your photos .

Read more:

  • Food prices
  • Cafes and restaurant prices
  • - Transport in Uzbekistan
  • Hotels in Uzbekistan
  • Excursion and souvenirs
  • Prices worldwide


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    Please, submit prices and photos to the group on Facebook
    Billal Hossain 2023-11-16
    Every good rate the all items

    Swagger 2023-04-06
    here price is same as India

    Viswanath 2023-01-29
    All the above mentioned rates are not correct. Current rates are almost 3-4 times are higher.

    Mariyam 2022-07-02
    Searching for business opportunities.

    Uwz 2022-07-27

    Mustafa 2021-04-27
    Very nice

    sahodeea 2020-11-11
    very helpful.Do the people speak english?

    Shavkat 2021-06-20
    Of course!!

    Ahbor 2021-03-05
    most of the young people know English well, you can get guides for cheap prices, people are very humble, vendors in stores don't lie tourists, very cheap country, 1500 $ is enough including tickets

    Syed Omer 2021-08-17
    How much cost for the 15 days normal things

    Aram 2021-02-06
    NO. They don't speak english. They speak uzbek, tajik, most residents in the big cities know russian language.

    sahodeea 2020-11-11
    fine can you add some more basic products and price.

    Hassan 2020-10-07
    This is so useful thanks


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