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Hotels in Uzbekistan - features of accommodation and currency exchange

The nuances of booking a hotel

Pay with local currency

In all three cities, a large selection of hotels for economic and not much accommodation. The price tag for a double room in a private flat with toilet and shower starts at 25 USD But due to the specifics of the local currency, the four star hotel, booked through , can cost you a couple of dollars cheaper, if you pay for in sums in hotel when you check in

Accommodation in Uzbekistan, Room in Tashkent for  <span class='yel'>100</span><span class='micro'> USD </span>
Room in Tashkent for 100 USD
Hotels in Tashkent in Uzbekistan, WC
Hotels in Tashkent, Breakfast at the hotel
Breakfast at the hotel

You can view prices, book accommodations and read about the pros and cons of various hotel search engines in my review of hotel and apartment reservation systems

The city tax per person

Pay special attention to the "city tax per person per night" which is usually not included in the room rate and is 2 - 3 USD


In Uzbekistan, registration is required. Hotel or hostel must afford it upon arrival. Usually it is a business card of the hotel with a stamp, your data, dates of stay. Do not lose the registration, Customs check it when leaving the country.

Accommodation in Uzbekistan, Photos registration in Uzbekistan
Photos registration in Uzbekistan
Accommodation in Uzbekistan, Room for  <span class='yel'>25</span><span class='micro'> USD </span>
Room for 25 USD
Accommodation in Uzbekistan, Toilet and shower
Toilet and shower

More nuances housing in Uzbekistan

  • Stars of Hotels does not meet European standards, if you want a guaranteed 5 star, choose well-known brand
  • The cost of living is indicated in dollars and Sums, more profitable to pay in Sums
  • In Uzbekistan, breakfast is usually included in the cost of living in cheap guest houses, so in hotels with stars. Breakfast is usually a selection of cold snacks and hot dishes.
  • service quite high, and you can leave bags and to be treated with tea. Receptionist speaks Russian and usually in English.
  • The water in cities such as Samarkand and Bukhara are very rigid, may have problems with skin and hair. In Tashkent, the water is good, purified by the standards.

The cost of hotel in Tashkent

In Tashkent hotel rates higher than the national average. For 25 USD you will find a decent hostel, with breakfast and a room for two

Cheap housing in Tashkent, Hostel for  <span class='yel'>25</span><span class='micro'> USD </span>
Hostel for 25 USD
Cheap housing in Tashkent, Shared bathroom
Shared bathroom
Cheap housing in Tashkent, Shower

Hotels in Bukhara

In Bukhara, try to stay in the old town and most likely you will be accommodated in an exotic building of two centuries ago, with a small, quiet and green courtyard. Hotels in the old houses of 4 stars.

Where to change currency and black exchange rate in Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan, there is a black exchange rate. In 2016 it differs from bank rate twice. This means that in the bank for 1 USD, you will be offered 3000 UZD By the same rate you will get Uzbek sums from an ATM. If you go to a private money changers, they will change 1 USD to 6000 UZD Money-changers are usually grouped around the markets and major bus stations. Do not be afraid to ask the receptionist where to change money.

Currency in Tashkent, Bundle Uzbek Sum
Bundle Uzbek Sum

Read more:

  • Food prices
  • Cafes and restaurant prices
  • Transport in Uzbekistan
  • - Hotels in Uzbekistan
  • Excursion and souvenirs
  • Prices worldwide


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    Billal Hossain 2023-11-16
    Every good rate the all items

    Swagger 2023-04-06
    here price is same as India

    Viswanath 2023-01-29
    All the above mentioned rates are not correct. Current rates are almost 3-4 times are higher.

    Mariyam 2022-07-02
    Searching for business opportunities.

    Uwz 2022-07-27

    Mustafa 2021-04-27
    Very nice

    sahodeea 2020-11-11
    very helpful.Do the people speak english?

    Shavkat 2021-06-20
    Of course!!

    Ahbor 2021-03-05
    most of the young people know English well, you can get guides for cheap prices, people are very humble, vendors in stores don't lie tourists, very cheap country, 1500 $ is enough including tickets

    Syed Omer 2021-08-17
    How much cost for the 15 days normal things

    Aram 2021-02-06
    NO. They don't speak english. They speak uzbek, tajik, most residents in the big cities know russian language.

    sahodeea 2020-11-11
    fine can you add some more basic products and price.

    Hassan 2020-10-07
    This is so useful thanks


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