If dressed appropriately, you can visit the mosques and take pictures inside.
In some places, the city has a free Wi-Fi internet, working very slowly and hesitantly.
The beach in Salalah - a great opportunity to watch the ocean! Sunbathing in bikinis in Oman is forbidden! Note: swimming in Salalah is strictly forbidden!!! Location: 16.930084, 53.995844
Souvenirs in Oman are real! It's not made in China, resold through a bunch of brokers cheapo, but real handmade crafts incredible amount of options for every taste and color. You'll find a real British antiques in a simple souvenir shop or directly in an antique shop. If a souvenir made in India, the seller honestly tell you this on request. You can touch everything, try and see no "slanting" views. In the souvenir and antique shops accept credit cards.
The prices are extremely varied and basically just for orientation. Look at pictures and you will understand the motive of the country.
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