How to get to the airport Torp near Oslo
Budget Airport TORP: transoprtation to nearby cities with examples of fares
Buses and trains from the airport Torp
- The cost of the bus to Oslo 21,2 USD = 240 NOK one way and 38,9 USD = 440 NOK round trip. Site of the bus company:
- The cost of travel by train to Oslo 23 USD = 260 NOK one way.
- Train fare to airport Oslo Lufthavn 32,4 USD = 366 NOK
- Train to Tonsberg 4,2 USD = 48 NOK one-way
- Train ticket to Sandefjord in one direction 3,4 USD = 38 NOK
Railway station Torp
Train to Sandefjord
Inside the train to Sandefjord
Things to do in Sandefjord
The Museum of the whalers. Entrance fee 6,2 USD = 70 NOK Location: 59.131102, 10.227323
Visitors Center
Tourist Information Centre, the only one in the city. Open hours: from 9 am to 16.00 on weekdays. Location: 59.128442, 10.228504 Site:
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Price for 1 kg pomegranate 2.0US$
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They Were always easy to purchase in America,
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