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Food and drink prices in Latvia in Riga

How much does it cost to eat at a restaurant

  • Soups 5,4 - 7,6 USD = 5 - 7 EUR
  • Meat dish 16,2 - 18,4 USD = 15 - 17 EUR
  • Salads 8,7 - 9,7 USD = 8 - 9 EUR
  • Meat plate of Latvian cuisine for two persons 21,1 USD = 19.5 EUR
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, Latvian cuisine restaurant
Latvian cuisine restaurant
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, Restaurant in old Riga
Restaurant in old Riga
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, Menu with pictures in the restaurant
Menu with pictures in the restaurant
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, Meals and prices in the restaurant
Meals and prices in the restaurant
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, Try Latvian cuisine - tasting menu
Try Latvian cuisine - tasting menu
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, Ancient cuisine of Latvia
Ancient cuisine of Latvia
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, Interior historical restaurant
Interior historical restaurant

Prices for food and drinks at a cafe

  • Americano 2,4 - 3,1 USD = 2.2 - 2.9 EUR
  • Cappuccino 2,7 - 3,6 USD = 2.5 - 3.3 EUR
  • Plate of soup 5,4 - 7,6 USD = 5 - 7 EUR
  • Main courses 7,6 - 11,9 USD = 7 - 11 EUR
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, prices in the coffee house
prices in the coffee house
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, soups at a cafe
soups at a cafe
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, meat dishes and fish
meat dishes and fish

Dining Lido - inexpensive lunch, cozy interior

There are several Lido self-service restaurants in Riga. A great option for an inexpensive lunch or dinner

  • Salads 2,6 USD = 2.4 EUR
  • Soups 1,7 - 2,2 USD = 1.6 - 2 EUR
  • Cutlet 1,8 USD = 1.7 EUR
  • Baked meat 200 gr 3,9 USD = 3.6 EUR
  • Fried potatoes 1,6 USD = 1.5 EUR
  • Beer 05l. 2,8 USD = 2.55 EUR
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, salads at a canteen
salads at a canteen
Prices in Riga for food in Latvia, Hot dishes  at a dinning room
Hot dishes at a dinning room
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, baked meat at a dinning room
baked meat at a dinning room
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, Beer prices
Beer prices

Fast food prices

  • FKC Singerburger 5,6 USD = 5.15 EUR
  • Hot dog 2,2 - 3,2 USD = 2 - 3 EUR
  • Hamburger 3,2 USD = 3 EUR
  • Lemonade 1,6 USD = 1.5 EUR
  • Beer 2,7 USD = 2.5 EUR
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, Prices in KFC
Prices in KFC
Prices in Riga in Latvia for food, Various fast food
Various fast food

Street food in Riga

  • Coffee from coffee machine 0,65 - 0,87 USD = 0.6 - 0.8 EUR
  • Cappuccino take out 2,2 - 4,3 USD = 2 - 4 EUR
  • Waffle 2,7 USD = 2.5 EUR
  • Pancakes 2,7 USD = 2.5 EUR
Street food in Riga, Drinks from the vending machine
Drinks from the vending machine
Street food in Riga, Coffee take out
Coffee take out
Street food in Riga, Waffles and pancakes
Waffles and pancakes

Read more:

  • - Food prices in Riga restaurants
  • Grocery prices in Riga
  • Transportation, attractions, souvenirs
  • Prices in Jurmala
  • Prices on Silja Line ferry
  • Archives of prices in Latvia
  • Prices worldwide

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