Food and drink prices in Laos
Street food in Vientiane and Luang Prabang
Food in Laos is not as varied and cheap as in Thailand, but there is certainly a choice.
- Cucu, Bean, Thai salad 0,46 USD = 10 000 LAK
- Skewers with chicken 0,69 USD = 15 000 LAK
- Rice 0,23 USD = 5 000 LAK
- Mixed fried vegetable with chicken/pork/beef 0,69 USD = 15 000 LAK
- Mixed fried rice seafood 0,69 USD = 15 000 LAK
- Tom Yum 1,4 USD = 30 000 LAK
- Chicken soup 1,4 USD = 30 000 LAK
- Hamburger 0,69 USD = 15 000 LAK
- Pepsi, Coca-Cola 0,23 USD = 5 000 LAK
- Fruit Cocktail 0,46 USD = 10 000 LAK
- Cold coffee 0,46 USD = 10 000 LAK
- Coffee 0,69 USD = 15 000 LAK
- Iced Tea 0,37 USD = 8 000 LAK
- Hot Tea 0,23 USD = 5 000 LAK
- Juices, soft drinks 0,46 USD = 10 000 LAK
Compare with food prices in Indonesia
Roti (flatbread)
- Muttom, Chicken Murthapa 0,69 USD = 15 000 LAK
- Chocolate Paratha 0,46 USD = 10 000 LAK
- Egg, Banana Paratha 0,32 USD = 7 000 LAK
- Plain Paratha 0,23 USD = 5 000 LAK
Prices for street food in Laos
How much is a street food
Cheap dinner for locals
Prices in taverns for locals in Ventiane
- Pies with fillings 0,05 USD = 1000 LAK
- vermicelli soup with chicken in a non-tourist place will cost you 0,37 USD = 8 000 LAK
Dinner at a street cafe
Cost of fruit juices
Lunch at a cheap tavern
Coffee shop
Street cafe
Various sweets
Meals at a restaurants for tourists
Fast food cost
- Hamburger 0,55 - 1,51 USD = 12 000 - 33 000 LAK
- Beverages (coffee, juice, etc.) 0,32 - 0,64 USD = 7 000 - 14 000 LAK
Hamburger menu
Various fast food
Restaurant 1
- Grilled chicken or pork with curry sauce 2 USD = 43 000 LAK
- Grilled pork with lemon grass 2,7 USD = 60 000 LAK
- Deep Fried Chicken Ligaments 1,4 USD = 30 000 LAK
- Deep Fried dried beef 1,8 USD = 40 000 LAK
- Baked salmon head with Japanese soya sauce 3,9 USD = 85 000 LAK
- Hot spicy soup with blue river prawn 2,7 USD = 60 000 LAK
Restaurant 2
- Tom Yam chicken 2,7 USD = 58 000 LAK
- Tom Yam prawn 2,9 USD = 64 000 LAK
- Spring rolls 2,4 USD = 52 000 LAK
- Spicy squid salad 3,1 USD = 68 000 LAK
- Fried beef 2,8 USD = 62 000 LAK
- Steamed fish 2,2 USD = 48 000 LAK
- Grilled pork 2,8 USD = 62 000 LAK
- Chicken with cashew nuts 3,3 USD = 72 000 LAK
- Rice noodles with prawn and squid 3,8 USD = 82 000 LAK
- Pasta 2,5 USD = 54 000 LAK
- Fresh fruit salad 1,5 USD = 32 000 LAK
Cafe in Ventyan for tourist
Restaurant in Ventyan
What alcohol is popular in Laos and how much it costs.
All Laos from small to large drink beer LaoBeer. There are at least three brands of this beer
- Lager (5%) 500ml 0,27 USD = 6 000 LAK
- Dark (6.5%) 330ml 0,32 USD = 7 000 LAK
- Gold (5%) 650ml 0,60 USD = 13 000 LAK
Heineken 500ml 0,64 USD = 14 000 LAK
Popular beer in Laos
Imported beer
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