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Prices in Brunei

Brunei food and drink prices

Lunch on the street

  • Nasi Katok 0,74 USD = 1.00 BND
  • Pizza with chicken , meat or tuna 2,9 USD = 3.90 BND

Meals at cafes and eateries for locals

  • dishes with rice from 2,2 USD = 3.00 BND
  • Soups from 2,2 USD = 3.00 BND
  • Grilled chicken /fish per serving 1,5 USD = 2.00 BND
  • Rojak ( traditional dish ) 0,74 USD = 1.00 BND
Eating cost in Brunei, Pizza (street food)
Pizza (street food)
Eating cost in Brunei, Menu in the dining room
Menu in the dining room
Eating cost in Brunei, Various pancakes
Various pancakes

Compare with Malaysia prices


  • Ice cream in a cup 1,3 USD = 1.80 BND
  • Yogurt 1,7 USD = 2.30 BND
  • Tiramisu Cake 3,7 USD = 5.00 BND
  • Pancakes with peanut butter 1,3 USD = 1.80 BND
  • With banana and chocolate 1,9 USD = 2.60 BND


  • Jasmine tea 1,7 USD = 2.30 BND
  • Lemonade 2,2 USD = 3.00 BND
  • Strawberry Yogurt 2,6 USD = 3.50 BND
  • apple , orange , carrot and watermelon juice from the package 1,5 USD = 2.00 BND
  • Fresh Juice 3 USD = 4.00 BND
  • Lassie 0,74 USD = 1.00 BND
Eating cost in Brunei, Street food
Street food
Food prices in Brunei, Ice cream
Ice cream
Food and drink prices in Brunei, teas and other beverages
teas and other beverages

Fast food prices at KFC

  • Burghers 1,7 - 3,5 USD = 2.30 - 4.70 BND
  • Chicken Rice lunch 0,97 USD = 1.30 BND
  • Fried potatoes 1,3 USD = 1.80 BND
  • Two pieces of chicken 3,4 USD = 4.60 BND
  • mango juice 1,7 USD = 2.30 BND
  • Coffee, tea 1,2 USD = 1.60 BND
  • Water 0,89 USD = 1.20 BND
  • Ice Cream 1,6 USD = 2.20 BND
Eating cost in Brunei, Fast food price-list at KFC
Fast food price-list at KFC
Eating cost in Brunei, meals at KFC
meals at KFC
How much is dinner in Brunei, Prices-list in tourist cafe
Prices-list in tourist cafe

How much is a dinner at a Restaurant

  • Caesar Salad 4,7 USD = 6.30 BND
  • Pasta from 4,8 USD = 6.50 BND
  • Sandwiches from 4,4 USD = 5.90 BND
  • Fish dishes from 3 USD = 4.00 BND
  • Skewers - 3 pcs. 0,74 USD = 1.00 BND
  • Gado Gado 3 USD = 4.00 BND
  • Soups from 2,6 USD = 3.50 BND
  • Pasta with chicken from 2,2 USD = 3.00 BND
  • Pasta with seafood 3 USD = 4.00 BND

Compare with Philippines prices

Food prices in supermarkets

  • Butter 2,2 USD = 2.99 BND per 227gr.
  • Australian Milk 2l, 6,8 USD = 9.10 BND ; 1l. 3,4 USD = 4.60 BND


  • pound cake 10,4 USD = 14.00 BND
  • Cake 1,3 USD = 1.80 BND
  • Ice cream in a waffle cup 2,5 USD = 3.40 BND
  • Various fresh baked goods 0,37 USD = 0.50 BND
  • buns, donuts 0,60 USD = 0.80 BND

Photos of grocery items

Food prices in Brunei, Ready meals in a supermarket
Ready meals in a supermarket
Brunei supermarket, Butter
Brunei supermarket, Prices for cakes
Prices for cakes
Brunei supermarket, Biscuits and sweets
Biscuits and sweets
Brunei supermarket, Pancakes
Food prices in Brunei, Pancakes at the supermarket
Pancakes at the supermarket

Read more:

  • - Food at a cafe
  • Transportation fares
  • Prices worldwide


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    Syed Anwer 2021-05-17
    We Exports Fresh Fruits & Vegetables from India if intrested plz mail me at


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