Hotel stars in Cyprus does not meet European standards. This must be borne in mind when booking, if you need real 5 stars, it is better to trust the global brands. Hotel photos, 4 stars:
You can view prices, book accommodations and read about the pros and cons of various hotel search engines in my review of hotel and apartment reservation systems
Prices for accommodation in Cyprus depend on the season, stars and location. If you visit the island in the low season, then it is not recommended to book budget accommodation from private owners, as there are many private apartments and they are empty, and there are cases when the private sector is closed for the winter, and on the booking site the owners forget to remove it and you go to nowhere and you cannot find the owner. In any case, it is very useful to read reviews, especially in the case of the private sector.
Please note that weather conditions and wind strength depend on the location, in the north it is more windy (which can be pleasant in the heat), in the south of the island is warmer.
Accommodation in the private sector is usually provided with a kitchen, a balcony, a small pool can also be on site.
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Renting a small apartment of 60 m2 will cost about 443,4 - 886,8 USD = 400 - 800 EUR per month depending on the location
Purchase 1 662,7 - 3 325,4 USD = 1 500 - 3 000 EUR per square meter, that is, an apartment of 60m2 will cost about 99 761,7 - 199 523,4 USD = 90 000 - 180 000 EUR
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