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Dining and drinking prices at restaurants in Australia

Restaurant 1 in Sydney

  • Burger with fish or meat 11,3 USD = 17 AUD
  • Salads 9,3 - 10,7 USD = 14 - 16 AUD
  • Pizza 9,3 - 10,7 USD = 14 - 16 AUD
  • Desserts 5,3 - 8 USD = 8 - 12 AUD
Prices at a cafe in Australia in Sydney, Restaurant menu
Restaurant menu
Prices at a cafe in Australia, Interior

Cafe 2 in Sydney

  • Burger 10 - 10,7 USD = 15 - 16 AUD
  • Chicken risotto 10 USD = 15 AUD
  • Meat tenderloin 350g. with a garnish 14,3 USD = 21.5 AUD
  • Caesar Salad 8 USD = 12 AUD
  • Pasta carbonara 10 USD = 15 AUD
  • Soup of the day 5 USD = 7.5 AUD
Prices in a cafe in Australia, Cafe
Food prices in Australia, Prices at a cafe in Sydney
Prices at a cafe in Sydney

Restaurant 3 in Melbourne

  • Salad 7,3 - 8 USD = 11 - 12 AUD
  • Burger 8,7 USD = 13 AUD
  • The main fish or meat dish 9,3 - 12 USD = 14 - 18 AUD
  • Beer 0.5l. 5,7 USD = 8.5 AUD
  • Alcoholic cocktails 11,3 USD = 17 AUD
Cost of food in a cafe in Australia, Restaurant, main dishes
Restaurant, main dishes
Cost of food in a cafe in Melbourne, Beer and cocktails
Beer and cocktails
Prices of food in a cafe in Australian, wine list
wine list

Japanese cuisine

  • Salads 8 - 8,7 USD = 12 - 13 AUD
  • Miso soup 1,7 USD = 2.5 AUD
  • Udon with beef 8,7 USD = 13 AUD
  • Salmon Sushi 3 pcs 3,7 USD = 5.5 AUD
Prices of food in Australia, Menu in a cafe of Japanese cuisine
Menu in a cafe of Japanese cuisine
Prices in a cafe in Australia, Sushi and rolls
Sushi and rolls

Various prices for breakfast and lunch

  • In a cafe breakfast menu 3,3 - 5,3 USD = 5 - 8 AUD
  • In Spanish cafes entrée 13,3 - 20 USD = 20 - 30 AUD
  • Shawarma 6 - 8,7 USD = 9 - 13. AUD depending on the size
  • hamburger at McDonalds 6 - 7,3 USD = 9 - 11 AUD
Prices of food in Australia, lunch menu at the cafe
lunch menu at the cafe
Prices in Australia, Breakfast at the Cafe
Breakfast at the Cafe
Prices in Australia, Menu for breakfast in the cafe
Menu for breakfast in the cafe
Prices in a cafe in Australia, Spanish cuisine
Spanish cuisine
Restaurant prices in Australia, Restaurant menu
Restaurant menu
Prices in Australia, Barbecue meals in the cafe
Barbecue meals in the cafe
Prices in a cafe in Australia, Asian eating menu with pictures
Asian eating menu with pictures
Prices in a cafe in Australia, Hamburger menu
Hamburger menu

Drinks and coffee in cafes and bars

  • In a coffee shop cappuccino 2,3 - 2,9 USD = 3.4 - 4.4 AUD
  • 05 beers at a bar 3,3 USD = 5 AUD
  • freshly-squeezed juice 3,7 USD = 5.5 AUD of 250g.
pricesn Australia, Beer Bar
Beer Bar
Prices in a cafe in Australia, Fresh juices
Fresh juices
Prices in a cafe in Australia, Coffee
Prices in a cafe in Australia, prices in the coffee shop
prices in the coffee shop
Prices in a cafe in Australia, Belgian Cafe
Belgian Cafe

Read more:

  • Grocery stores
  • - Cafes and restaurants
  • Flats and hotels
  • Public transport and cars
  • Sydney attractions prices
  • Melbourne attrations and excursions prices
  • Medical service
  • Education
  • Food prices archive 2013
  • Prices worldwide


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    Please, submit prices and photos to the group on Facebook
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