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Prices in Macedonia

Overview of transportation of Skopje in Macedonia

Getting Airport Skopje

The international airport of Skopje is located at a distance of approximately 20 km from the city. Coordinates: 41.960922, 21.627628. Website:

How to get to the airport by bus

Public transportation does not go to the airport. The only carrier is Vardar Express. Website: The fare 2,6 USD = 150 MKD one way.

You can buy tickets in advance at the box office Airport Vardar Express.  Note that the luggage compartment of the bus is also not clear. The trip takes for about an hour, in spite of the good road and the proximity to the city

Macedonia, Skopje Transportation, Vardar Express office
Vardar Express office
Macedonia, Transportation in Skopje, Bus to aeroprt Vardar Express
Bus to aeroprt Vardar Express
Macedonia, Skopje Transportation, Inside the bus Vardar Express
Inside the bus Vardar Express
Macedonia, Skopje Transportation, Airport Skopje Bus Schedule
Airport Skopje Bus Schedule
Macedonia, Transport of Skopje, bus ticket Vardar Express
bus ticket Vardar Express

How to get to the airport by taxi

An alternative, but rather expensive way to get to the city is the taxi. Prices from the airport on the photo. For example, the price to the center of the city is 21,1 USD = 1 220 MKD

Transportation of Skopje, Taxi prices from the airport of Skopje
Taxi prices from the airport of Skopje

Intercity buses and fares

The central urban bus station is inside the city. Coordinates: 41.990663, 21.444732.  Bus tickets can be purchased using a credit card.

The cost of international ticket Skopje - Sofia 17,5 USD = 1 010 MKD The bus is quite old and worn. Cargo space exclusively dirty!

  • Skopje-Ohrid-Skopje 11,8 USD = 680 MKD
  • Skopje - Belgrade-Skopje 36,3 - 41,5 USD = 2 100 - 2 400 MKD
  • Skopje-Zagreb bus back and forth 97,4 USD = 5 630 MKD
Transportation in Macedonia, Bus station Skopje
Bus station Skopje
Transportation in Macedonia, Bus Skopje-Sofia
Bus Skopje-Sofia
Transportation in Macedonia, Bus Skopje-Sofia inside
Bus Skopje-Sofia inside

City local buses

City buses usual quality. The fare in the city 0,52 USD = 30. MKD  Official site of city transport:

Macedonia Transportation, Skopje city bus
Skopje city bus

The cost of rent car and parking

  • Volswagen Polo, manual transmission 28,8 USD = 27 EUR
  • Opel Astra, automat 51,1 USD = 48 EUR
  • The cost of parking in the second area of the city 0,78 USD = 45 MKD per hour.
  • More stationary parking away from the city center 0,87 USD = 50 MKD per day.
    • Compare car rental prices at various rental companies and book a car with the world’s largest international service Rentalcars

      Skopje transportation, Parking  machine in Skopje
      Parking machine in Skopje

      Boats on the lake Ohrid

      • From Ohrid ship to Sveti Naum and back 10,4 USD = 600 MKD per person
      • Boat from Konskie to Golem Grad 21,3 USD = 20 EUR for boat
      • Boat to Polog monastery 26,6 USD = 25 EUR for boat

      Read more:

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Hansum 2019-10-07
Macedonia looks nice,clean. Decently priced. Good historical sights. Great food


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