Tokyo transportation fares examples
Trains from Narita Airport (Tokyo)
- JR Narita Express (53 minutes to Tokyo) 18,8 USD = 2 940 JPY
- JR Airport Liner (80 minutes to Tokyo) 8,2 USD = 1 280 JPY
- KeiSei Skyliner 60 minutes 12,3 USD = 1 920 JPY
- KeiSei Limited Express 70 minutes 6,4 USD = 1000 JPY
- Taxi from Narita Airport can cost 128 - 160 USD = 20 000 - 25 000 JPY
- Shuttle bus 19,2 USD = 3 000 JPY
Japan Rail Pass (include sinkansen)
- 7 days 181,1 USD = 28 300 JPY
- 14 days 288,6 USD = 45 100 JPY
- 21 days 369,2 USD = 57 700 JPY
Tokyo subway fares
- Ticket price depends on the distance 1 - 2 USD = 160 - 320 JPY
- 1 day pass 6,4 USD = 1000 JPY
Tokyo subway fares
Tokyo metro
Toilets in the subway
Taxi in Tokyo
Boarding and the first 2 km 4,2 USD = 660 JPY for every 274 meters 0,51 USD = 80 JPY At night, 30% surcharge
The fare between main tourist cities around Tokyo:
- Nikko, train Toburapid 2h 8,4 USD = 1 320 JPY
- Yokohama 30-40 min. 2,9 - 2,9 USD = 450 - 460 JPY
- Kamakura 60 min 5,7 USD = 890 JPY
- Osaka Shinkansen - 3 hours 89,6 USD = 14 000 JPY Night Bus 25,6 - 51,2 USD = 4 000 - 8 000 JPY
- Osaka-Nara 40 min 3,5 USD = 540 JPY
- Kyoto-Nara 45 min 4,4 USD = 690 JPY
- Osaka-Kyoto 3,5 USD = 540 JPY
How much is a storage room
Coin lockers present at the railway station. Price 1,9 - 3,2 USD = 300 - 500 JPY depending on cabin size.
storage room
Prices for storing luggage
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