Bus and rail links allow you to get to the most beautiful places of interest in China.
From Guilin to Guangzhou can also be reached by rail. Prices:
From Guilin to Yangsho on the air-conditioned bus (without toilet) for two hours, the cost 3 USD = 22 CNY
Bus from Yangsho to KsingPing is 0,96 USD = 7 CNY (40 minutes) Coordinates of bus station in town KsingPing: 24.920335,110.527615.
Get to the other side of the river can be up to 6 pm on the official boat. Minute journey will cost you 0,27 USD = 2 CNY (one way).Coordinates of the ships: 24.91908,110.52136 (the left-most edge of the pier, if you look at the river).
Guilin travel decker city buses. Cost for foreigners 0,27 USD = 2. CNY You can get to most tourist destinations within the city.
Bicycle rental 1,1 - 1,4 USD = 8 - 10 CNY per day
Easier and cheaper to do everything possible in advance. Many hotels prefer not to communicate with reservation systems like booking.com, and allow you to use only their own web sites, mail or call. It is easy to find it using TripAdvisor.com. As throughout China, the cost of budget housing is twice higher than in Southeast Asia, and is 20 - 25 USD Please note that the vast majority of them are still only accepts cash. Would be a pleasant surprise for you free laundry in most hostels and hotels. Of unpleasant, you'll notice problems with sewage in China. Unpleasant odors in bathroom and toilet is a normal phenomenon.
You can view prices, book accommodations and read about the pros and cons of various hotel search engines in my review of hotel and apartment reservation systems
Elephant hill scenic area in Guilin. The cost is very modest by local standards 10,4 USD = 76 CNY
Price tags 13,7 - 41 USD = 100 - 300 CNY is normal for this Asian country!
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