Food prices in Bosnia and Herzegovina
How much is a meal at an eatery for locals
- A hot dog 0,81 - 1,88 USD = 1.50 - 3.50 BAM
- French fries 0,54 USD = 1.00 BAM
- Hamburger 1,1 - 1,9 USD = 2 - 3.50 BAM
How much does lunch at a restaurant
- Pizza 1,9 - 8,6 USD = 3.50 - 16.00 BAM per piece
- Paste 3,8 - 4,3 USD = 7 - 8 BAM
- Lasagna 4,3 - 4,8 USD = 8 - 9 BAM
- Sweets 1,1 - 1,6 USD = 2 - 3 BAM
- Wine Vranak or other 0,65 USD = 1.20 BAM per 100ml
At the cafe
Price-list in a restaurant
Prices at a bar
Inexpensive street food
Compare with Croatia prices
Food prices in grocery stores and supermarkets
Meat, chicken
- Chicken fresh 3,1 USD = 5.75 BAM
- Eggs 1,5 USD = 2.75 BAM for 10 pieces.
- Salami 1,9 USD = 3.60 BAM for 100g.
- Sausages 1,5 USD = 2.80 BAM for 350g.
Various foods
- Macaroni 0,73 USD = 1.35 BAM per 400g.
- Bread 0,38 USD = 0.70 BAM per 300g for 600gr. 0,65 USD = 1.20 BAM
- Yogurt 0,54 USD = 1.00 BAM per liter
- Milk 0,65 USD = 1.20 BAM per liter
- Gouda Cheese 6,6 USD = 12.25 BAM
- Edam Cheese 7,3 USD = 13.50 BAM
- Water from 0,30 USD = 0.55 BAM per liter
Eggs and chicken
Fruits and Vegetables
- Potatoes 0,54 USD = 1.00 BAM
- Bow 0,54 USD = 1.00 BAM
- Eggplant 0,81 USD = 1.50 BAM
- Squash 1,5 USD = 2.7 BAM
- Cucumbers 0,27 - 0,78 USD = 0.50 - 1.45 BAM
- Tomatoes 1,6 USD = 2.95 BAM
- Carrots 1,1 USD = 2.10 BAM
- Green pepper 3,5 USD = 6.45 BAM
- Fennel 3 USD = 5.50 BAM
- Dried Prunes 1,2 USD = 2.25 BAM per 200g.
Eggplant and zucchini
Tomatoes and cucumbers
Carrots and Peppers
Potatoes and onions
- Muesli 2,9 USD = 5.30 BAM
- Chocolate muesli 2,9 USD = 5.30 BAM
- Cake per piece 1,2 USD = 2.25 BAM
- Nutella 3,4 USD = 6.35 BAM for 400g.
- Rolls sweet 3,2 USD = 5.95 BAM per 850gr.
- Biscuits in the range of 0,54 - 1,08 USD = 1 - 2 BAM per 100 - 200 g.
- Chips from 0,32 USD = 0.60 BAM per 35gr.
Mineral water
- Pistachio 21,3 USD = 39.50 BAM per 1 kg.
- Pumpkin seeds 8,5 USD = 15.85 BAM per 1 kg.
- Peanuts 1,7 USD = 3.25 BAM for 100g.
- Almonds 2,1 USD = 3.90 BAM for 100g.
- Dried Raisins 0,38 USD = 0.70 BAM per 100g.
Nuts and raisins
Sell seeds
Juice per liter
- Apple 0,81 USD = 1.50 BAM
- Pineapple 1,4 USD = 2.60 BAM
- Blackcurrant 1,5 USD = 2.85 BAM
- Cherry 1,5 USD = 2.85 BAM
- Orange 1,2 USD = 2.30 BAM
Compare with Montenegro food prices
Ready meal
- Salads from 1,9 USD = 3.45 BAM
- Mushrooms with pepper 3,7 USD = 6.95 BAM
- Chicken wings 6,3 USD = 11.75 BAM
- Chicken fillet 8,6 USD = 15.95 BAM
- Baking from 0,48 USD = 0.90 BAM per 1pc
Ready salads
Ready-made meals
Аlcohol prices
- Beer from 0,70 USD = 1.30 BAM for 500ml.
- Small beer 0,54 USD = 1.00 BAM for 330ml.
- Wine 2,7 - 5,9 USD = 5 - 11 BAM for 750ml.
- Vodka from 6,5 USD = 12.10 BAM for 700ml.
Bottled beer
Vodka and tinctures
Prices of fruits and vegetables at markets (for 1 kg)
- Pear 0,81 USD = 1.50 BAM
- Carrots 0,97 USD = 1.80 BAM
- Tangerines 0,81 USD = 1.50 BAM
- Potatoes 0,38 USD = 0.70 BAM
- Pepper 0,81 USD = 1.50 BAM
- Black Grapes 1,2 USD = 2.20 BAM
Food Market
Prices of grapes
Mandarin and pear
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