Prices in Tunisia
Excursions to the desert
- Excursion to the Sahara with a guide 48,2 USD = 155. TND addition pay for the camels 6,2 USD = 20 TND
- Travel to the desert by Land Cruiser 18,7 USD = 60 TND
- Excursion by train through the oasis 3,1 USD = 10 TND plus addition fee for single room 6,2 USD = 20 TND
- Dates in the Sahara 0.5 kg 1,6 USD = 5 TND (in a market dates can be bought cheaply ,should haggle)
- During the tour, you may need about 9,3 - 62,3 USD = 30 - 200 TND depends on purchases and gifts
Transportation fares
- Taxis in the city 3,1 - 9,3 USD = 10 - 30 TND
- Bus in the city 3,1 - 4,7 USD = 10 - 15 TND (depending on the route and distance)
In a supermarket or grocery store
- Green Tea 0,62 - 1,25 USD = 2 - 4 TND
- Chocolate production of Tunisia 0,40 - 1,56 USD = 1.3 - 5 TND
- Olive oil (tin bank) 1,2 - 3,1 USD = 4 - 10 TND
- Cheese local - FROMAGE DE BEJA SO (one of the most expensive) 11,8 USD = 37.8 TND
- Cheese, you can buy even 60 grams 0,78 USD = 2.5 TND
- Cheese FROMAGE GOUDA FAIS 4,8 USD = 15.4 TND
What to buy in Tunisia
- Very high quality and beautiful rugs: wool, cashmere, silk, all handmade 150 - 500 USD silk most expensive 300 - 700 USD The cost of the carpet depends on the number of nodes, the more knots per square meter, the more expensive the carpet, every time you need to haggle!
- Tourism Zone - more expensive, on the outskirts of the city the prices are less
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